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    • Meditation guide on: Intellectual, Physical, Emotional and Energetic body This is a video guide for diving into 4 bodies and for giving time to nurish them. The idea of working with Zoom format and the exploration of the topic of Intellectual, Physical, Emotional and Energetic body is an outcome from Publikumversteher Project (with Dorothea Eitel). Here below you can find 4 different YouTube links, which corresponds to each different body meditation guide. You can either skip to a specific body you want to try, or try them in order... Feel free to explore! 1 Intellectual body https://youtu.be/0uviwtf2saA 2 Physical body https://youtu.be/xvgacdDTfuo 3 Emotional body https://youtu.be/qpt8UJgTJCo 4 Energetic body https://youtu.be/U5jNWVuqbYM

      Started by: Giada Peli

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    • 8 months, 4 weeks ago

      Giada Peli

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