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    • ONLINE SERVICES for ART PROJECTS AND ADVERTISEMENT POLICE RADIO (LIVE) AND MUSIC It is very cool to use this as base for live-performances online (or off line). It's also cool to train with your improv group.   CREATE QUIZ GAMES TO INVITE OR PLAY  You can chose from different type of quizzes. It can be fun to use them as invitation for your performances or as participation part in your performance.   MULTIFUNCTION BOARD FOR AN ARTISTIC GAME SHOW This is a great board to design and screen to a participative audience. You can share he screen eg on Zoom and use QR-Codes, links, dices, timer etc. to create an artistic live game show.   Please add in the comments, if you know about other possibilities you can recommend. Thank you!  

      Started by: Dorothea Eitel in: Artist

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    • 2 years, 8 months ago

      Dorothea Eitel

    • ONLINE-TOOLS: COLLABORATION PADS  Collaborate with your team online, to the same time or decentralized, use playgrounds to discover collectively and create documents to print and save: Padlet ⟶ 3 padlets free of charge, if you want endless numbers of pallets, you need to sign up with monthly payment, invest is different from country to country. Germany around 10 €, in Mexico around 5 Dollars. ⟶ You have different kinds of board types you can choose, like Wall, list, mind map, story board, shelf, canvas, time line and world map. ⟶ You can add text, links, voice messages, video messages, fotos, pdf and papers. ⟶ You can connect posts with each other, comment, like, rank and easy edit it with drag and drop. ⟶ Participants can add without log in. But if they are logged in (no costs) you can see their names. This is great, when you want to see the author or who is commenting. ⟶ Great is also the option to save the Padlet as pdf or jpg. I just love it to have the process and documentary in only one step :-)   Flinga (Wall and Whiteboard) As owner of the board you need to be signed up, it is free of charge, the participants doesn't need to sign up. Whiteboard: ⟶ Functions: adding items in different shapes and colors with and without text or pure text; drawings; adding links. Moving things around by drag & drop. ⟶  Participation: you decide what they are allowed to do. It goes from only watching, adding thing and drawing, moving their own things around, also moving things from others around up to the full rights of adding, using, editing.   Wall: ⟶ Functions: You can choose from wall or list. ⟶  Participation: you decide the grade of participation like with the whiteboard above.   Yopad ⟶ It is an ether pad and works like a common text document, people can add their name and write in different colors. Everybody can see the changes in time. You can remember older versions. Another cool feature is, that you can count the numbers of the line and have an overview to lead your team through the document.   Please add in the comments, if you know about other possibilities you can recommend. Thank you!

      Started by: Dorothea Eitel in: Tools & Methods

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    • 2 years, 8 months ago

      Dorothea Eitel

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