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creation doors community newsletter #1 – X Here you find all Newsletters sent from the first day of creation doors website release. They contain besides news (those eight get old) general thoughts about dance and choreographer's work as well as tools, methods and tutorials how to use this page. If you are new to this community, it's a good way to start here.
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- 2 years, 3 months ago
Perfection Game (TOOL) Englisch speaking people find the description in the core protocols. Wer deutsch versteht, kann sich den Podcast dazu anhören: Dorothea stellt Dir im Podcast das Perfection Game vor aus den Core-Protocols (Copyright (C) Jim McCarthy and Michele McCarthy). Es ist spielerisch (wie der Name vermuten lässt) und eine effiziente, fördernde und wirksame Art und Weise, um kollektiv Verbesserungsvorschläge einzusammeln, mit denen Du dann weiterarbeiten kannst, um Dein Produkt, Deine Idee, Dein Objekt, Deine Vorstellung, Deine Vorgehensweise oder was auch immer Du perfektionieren möchtest, zu optimieren. Hier kommst Du zur Episode Perfection Game (TOOL) vom Podcast "Die Choreografin" von Dorothea Eitel.
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- 2 years, 8 months ago
ONLINE SERVICES for ART PROJECTS AND ADVERTISEMENT POLICE RADIO (LIVE) AND MUSIC It is very cool to use this as base for live-performances online (or off line). It's also cool to train with your improv group. CREATE QUIZ GAMES TO INVITE OR PLAY You can chose from different type of quizzes. It can be fun to use them as invitation for your performances or as participation part in your performance. MULTIFUNCTION BOARD FOR AN ARTISTIC GAME SHOW This is a great board to design and screen to a participative audience. You can share he screen eg on Zoom and use QR-Codes, links, dices, timer etc. to create an artistic live game show. Please add in the comments, if you know about other possibilities you can recommend. Thank you!
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- 2 years, 8 months ago
ONLINE-TOOLS: practical tools for workshops, webinars or participation in online MULTIFUNCTION BOARD ⟶ it has a lot of cool tools, but you can only share the screen, there is no collaboration possible so far. Tools: dices, stop watch, timer, random generator, qu-codes, text, drawing, symbols, clock, calendar, add different kind of medias. Design: you can design your board out of different options or loading up your own. That makes it interesting to use it as design for online-performances. CREATE WORD CLOUDS TO HAVE AN OVERVIEW ABOUT THE OPIONS IN THE GROUP STOPWATCH/ TIMER COUNTDOWN/ TIME ZONE CALCULATOR I love this tool especially to promote events in different countries, as there can be big confusion about the exact time. RANDOM GENERATOR / TOMBOLA/ RAFFLE (fortune wheel: name, areas, etc.) GROUP BUILDER (random & alphabetic) RANDOM WORDS (only in german) one or more words, all or chosen categories: Please add in the comments, if you know about other possibilities you can recommend. Thank you!
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- 2 years, 8 months ago
WERTSCHÄTZENDE TEAMENTWICKLUNG Sympathie versus Empathie in Teams von Theresia Freisingen Zum Download (only in german available)
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- 2 years, 8 months ago
Viewing 5 topics - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)